Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Public Administration A Good Career Choice

What is public administration? Public administration degree opens up career avenues for the public administration graduates.  There are many jobs in public administration and several careers in public administration. A graduate degree helps a student  get into professions as diverse as city managers, city planners, executive assistants, social workers and help them get into  this field. A masters in public administration degree opens up even more jobs in the field. This degree is for a duration of  three years and helps the student get jobs like management specialists, computer specialists, financial management , advocacy  and program courses. It also helps one work in better positions with non profit or social organizations. It gives them a  better understanding of how public avenues work in the system and the advantages of upper levels of management and  administration.

There is a need for talented people with great organizational and leadership skills which a masters degree  helps hone for jobs like fire chiefs, police chiefs, public service administrators. At such a position one can implement  changes in the system to get faster and better results. Working for the public may seem like a thankless job but it is a  problem that affects us on a larger scale. We need people to deal with the public and manage the services and facilities  provided for public. Disaster relief camps and non profit organization step in when a sudden calamity affects the public.

Public administration here plays an important part in helping the victims get the supplies and medical help including  financial support for the damage they have suffered due to damage caused to their house. Managing policies, improving  communications between the different public departments, making sure emergency services and health care, justice and labor  relations also fall under the purview of a public administrator depending on the filed he or she chooses. A public  administration graduate learns problem solving techniques and management skills with critical thinking skills required in  event of conflicts or disasters that occur naturally or are man made..

Dealing with people is the major focus here and people  skills is of utmost importance. Many young graduates feel for the underprivileged section of the population and today more  and more youngsters are getting these degrees to make improvements in the public services. Some undertake surveys in  collaboration with government agencies to help them compile statistics of how the public in large is living and are they  making use of the services provided for them. Suggestions to improve the systems or ways to make the public more aware are  also put forth and many times these studies help bring both the affected community and the government come to a better  understanding which helps maintain peace in the community as well.

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